Philadelphia, PA
Work Performed: Star Bolt Installation | Problem: Bowed wall due to lack of support on the right side caused by adjacent house being torn down.
Solution – Installed 9 Star Bolts on the front wall and tied each into the floor joist.
Philadelphia, PA
Work Performed: Star Bolt Installation | Problem: Due to previously being a firehouse, this structure had a large open floor plan with limited side wall supports, causing the walls to bow outward.
Solution – Strategically installed 6 Star Bolts tying into the 2nd-floor joists to prevent further movement of the wall.
Philadelphia, PA
Work Performed: Star Bolt Installation | Problem: bowed wall due to lack of support and age of the structure
Solution – Strategically installed 26 Star Bolts and 4 epoxied plates to tie into the floor joists to prevent any further movement of the wall.
Philadelphia, PA
Work Performed: Star Bolt Installed | Problem: Bowed wall due to lack of support on the left side from the adjacent house being torn down.
Solution – installed 5 Star Bolts to prevent further movement of the wall.